Build a Business Case

Need help writing an effective case for ACE?

IAITAM is committed to bringing ACE Attendees the most pertinent and valuable information in the ITAM industry. We know our conferences help practitioners bring real-world solutions to their organizations. But does you boss know? Does your manager or board of directors know how valuable ACE could be for their organization? Maybe not! We’ll help you tell them.

Case Outline

IAITAM recommends the following structure to present your business case. The materials in this document will help you acquire and build out the information. At the end of each section, an example is provided. This is a sample layout of how to communicate important details in the key areas of your business case.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary provides an overview of each of the following sections. For a standard business case, this section is completed after all other sections!

2. Current Situation

Describe the organization’s current situation and any current or potential future problems. How does it affect the organization’s mission (i.e., we are spending more than we need to on IT costs; we are currently at risk for an audit)? Try to connect these issues to the business at large. Besides having to deal with these issues within your own department or team, what is the greater impact? How does the current situation affect your company? Include a brief statement of any company mandates or new government regulations that require policies, education, or processes not currently in place.

3. Proposal

Based on the issues and concerns you identified in the previous sections, this is the time to describe how you plan on solving them. Specifically address how attending IAITAM ACE will aid in solving your current IT Asset Management issues. This could be through the education content being delivered, the networking and industry contacts you will make, or the in-person IAITAM certification courses offered pre- and post-conference.

4. Financial Proof

Provide a clear argument by summarizing key quantitative and qualitative information about the impact of your attendance at ACE. This should include a description of the impact of not implementing/refining your business’ current ITAM programs. Determine and include analysis information that is necessary to provide a clear justification to further your ITAM knowledge and how you implement new strategies into your existing program (i.e., what new income or outcomes will result? Can the conference costs be recouped?). The type and amount of information in your justification will vary based on the compelling argument YOU are building for YOUR organization.

5. Conclusion

Wrap up your business case by briefly recapping the primary points of your argument. Summarize your problems/situation and describe the anticipated outcomes of implementing new strategies you will learn at IAITAM ACE. The conclusion should also answer questions like: “What are we aiming for?” and “What is the expected cost to benefit for your business’ finances and operations.”