April 21, 2025

8:00 am Live Courses

The courses that will be held April 21, 2025 will be announced during the 1st quarter of 2025! These Live Certification Courses will end at 3:00 pm.

3:00 pm Registration

Registration will be open for attendees until 5:00 pm

6:00 pm Kickoff

The IAITAM ACE Kickoff will be 80s Rock-n-Glow party so get ready for a night full of great food, networking, live entertainment and so much more!

April 22, 2025

7:00 am Breakfast

All menu items will be released closer to the event.

8:00 am Keynote

The Keynote schedule will be released closer to the event. Breakfast and Keynote will both be in the Milan Ballroom, so feel free to continue with your breakfast as the speaker begins.

10:00 am Sessions

Our first speaker sessions of IAITAM ACE 2025! There will be two one-hour sessions with many speakers and topics to choose from during both time slots.

12:15 pm Lunch

All menu items will be released closer to the event.

2:15 pm Sessions

There will be one one-hour session with many speakers and topics to choose from during this time slot.

3:15 pm Food Break

A 15-minute break to network, eat one of the provided snacks, and grab one of the complimentary drinks! All menu items will be released closer to the event.

3:30 pm Sessions

There will be one one-hour session with many speakers and topics to choose from during this time slot.

4:30 pm Break

A 15-minute break to network or check your emails!

4:45 pm IMUG

A live IMUG will be held by our trainers. You will get to discuss the topic in person, ask questions, learn from others in attendance, and network!

6:00 pm Exhibit Fair

Be sure to stop by the Exhibit Hall from 6:00 – 9:00 for dinner, drinks, and networking! The Pavilion will be full of sponsors to help you complete your passport for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

April 23, 2025

7:00 am Breakfast

All menu items will be released closer to the event.

8:00 am Keynote

The Keynote schedule will be released closer to the event. Breakfast and Keynote will both be in the Milan Ballroom, so feel free to continue with your breakfast as the speaker begins.

10:00 am Sessions

There will be two one-hour sessions with many speakers and topics to choose from during both time slots.

12:15 pm Lunch

The April 24rd lunch will be held in the Exhibit Hall. All menu items will be released closer to the event.

2:15 pm Sessions

There will be one one-hour session with many speakers and topics to choose from during this time slot.

3:15 pm Food Break

A 15-minute break to network, eat one of the provided snacks, and grab one of the complimentary drinks! All menu items will be released closer to the event.

3:30 pm Sessions

There will be one one-hour session with many speakers and topics to choose from during this time slot.

4:30 pm Break

A 15-minute break to network or check your emails!

4:45 pm Workshop

You will get to discuss a topic in person, ask questions, learn from others in attendance, and network!

6:00 pm Exhibit Fair

Be sure to stop by the Exhibit Hall from 6:o0 – 9:00 for dinner, drinks, and networking! The Vendor Raffle will take place at 8:00pm, so be sure you are in attendance.

*If you are not in attendance, you will not be able to claim your prize.*

April 24, 2025

8:00 am Breakfast

All menu items will be released closer to the event.

10:00 am Sessions

There will be two one-hour sessions with many speakers and topics to choose from during both time slots.

11:00 am Food Break

A 15-minute break to network, eat one of the provided snacks, and grab one of the complimentary drinks! All menu items will be released closer to the event.

11:15 am Sessions

There will be two one-hour sessions with many speakers and topics to choose from during both time slots.

1:30 pm Closing

The closing and passport raffle will intertwine with lunch for our final event. Every year at the closing IAITAM gives away thousands of dollars worth of prizes including free courses and free ACE passes, be sure to attend because you do not want to miss out on all those prizes!